Home > Artworks > Luis Viñals Garmendia

Photo of Luis Viñals Garmendia Mexico

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A personal view is water, air AFTER the element that flows more freely around us. So I think the watercolor as the most free media of expression in painting and this is the quality that makes me prefer it over other media. Let it run on the paper with complete freedom as having a purpose itself becomes for mmismo, in a fascinating spectacle. A game where I am, at the same time, spectator and protagonist, and this last, only...

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A personal view is water, air AFTER the element that flows more freely around us. So I think the watercolor as the most free media of expression in painting and this is the quality that makes me prefer it over other media. Let it run on the paper with complete freedom as having a purpose itself becomes for mmismo, in a fascinating spectacle. A game where I am, at the same time, spectator and protagonist, and this last, only to the extent that I feel the need to control the accident looking for an expression of artistic freedom, pure color, light and movement. SOME FACTS ABOUT ME On the one hand I'm the handyman of the communication: designer, video and multimedia producer, a writer for production houses, advertising agencies and mass media. On the other hand, am a painter, tell me that an experienced watercolor painter, according to testify over 25 years of ejecuciny exhibition of work. Inicimi career as an artist recreating the required items: folklore, customs, landscapes, colonial architecture, bodegn, etc., and my job, now has evolved into a very modern personal expression. More than 60 exhibitions, including solo and group talk about my experience. My work has been published in various journals, Ascom presented in galleries and museums across the country (Mexico). Currently, a themed excites me is bullfighting, and artistic manifestation. Being a lover of life and animals, I can not resist a personal vision in which the skill and courage of the matador, Ascom speed, strength and fury of the bull, take communion during a moment of pure ephemeral aesthetics, as a diffuse explosion of movement and color. Another themed particularly favored in my painting is the human figure, either naked, performing musician or dancer, which are priority concepts of composition, color and light. With this themed winner was a 4 in the nation in the event water, Color and Paper. In the year 2005 I had the fortune of winning finalist (winner finalist) in the international competition organized by the U.S. magazine The Artists Magazine. His watercolors are exquisite ... Rebekah said LeFlore, designer of the Center for International Business Studies at Texas A & M, when pidimi aprobacin to use one of my paintings of bulls for one of his designs . I live in Mexico City where I work in my studio and teaches watercolor to various groups, including some professional painters. In addition, upon request SPECIFIC, I painted mural Pequeo sb acrylic.

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